Women There are 2 products.

The Oversized T-Shirt for Her

This is where you can find the United Souls Oversized T-Shirt for Her. A series of high-quality organic t-shirts illustrated by artists for committed souls. 

Organic T-Shirts for Women | United Souls, Committed and Eco-Friendly Fashion

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  • T-shirts: Aoua Keïta
  • T-shirts: Miriam Makeba

Aoua Keïta | The Oversize T-shirt

PIONEER OF AFRICAN WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT AOUA KEÏTA 1912-1980 - MALI Born in 1912 in Bamako, Aoua Keïta was Mali's first midwife. Assigned to Gao in 1931, she successfully advocated for the opening of a maternity ward in 1934. An anti-colonial activist, Aoua Keïta mobilized and united women wherever she was posted, significantly contributing to the growth of the Union Soudanaise – Rassemblement...

€39.00 VAT included

Miriam Makeba I Le T-shirt Oversize

LA VOIX DE LA LUTTE ANTI APARTHEID MIRIAM MAKEBA 1932-2008 AFRIQUE DU SUD Née en 1932 à Sophiatown, quartier populaire de Johannesburg, Miriam Makeba chante dans des groupes locaux avant de jouer dans un film anti-apartheid, ce qui l’oblige à s’exiler en 1960. Aux Etats-Unis, elle utilise son immense succès musical pour appeler au boycott du régime d’apartheid. Soutien du mouvement pour les...

€39.00 VAT included